Assignment 3

Disadvantages Of Eating Chocolate


Sweetness is a widespread preference of taste for people worldwide, and chocolate is included in being one example of that. This general love of chocolate is rooted in people’s diets today, and for most, this starts early in life and starts presenting this risk factor in obesity from an early age. Some of the largest brands of chocolate contain large amounts of sugar, contributing to these problems with diets that are causing obesity problems.


Obesity can be caused by eating high-calorie meals. Chocolate has a lot of calories. A 1.55-ounce milk chocolate bar has 235 calories. This is relatively high when compared to other snack items. Working out and burning off the calories ingested by chocolate is significantly more difficult. To burn 210 calories, you'd need 57 minutes of hard lifting and 43 minutes of aerobics.


The rich flavour of chocolate is obtained due to the calories it contains and the high sugar content. A standard serving of a chocolate bar contains 22.66 grams of sugar.

Some people say that sugar can give energy for the body when worked up with other carbohydrates, but it has a number of disadvantages.

Tooth Decy

Milk chocolate has a lot of sugar, which the bacteria in your mouth convert into acid. This acid then damages the enamel of your teeth, causing cavities. Dark chocolate has less sugar, which means the bacteria in your mouth have less to turn into acid.

Lack Of Vitamins

Since chocolate has few helpful nutrients, it might hurt your body if you eat it as a snack rather than a healthy one. According to researchers, chocolate is not a substantial source of minerals and vitamins that should be consumed regularly. Chocolate has just 8% of the daily recommended calcium intake and 2% of the daily recommended iron consumption.

Caffeine Effects

If used in significant quantities, caffeine-related adverse effects such as anxiousness, increased urination, insomnia, and a rapid pulse may occur. Cocoa has the potential to induce negative skin responses, constipation, and migraine headaches.


Heartburn is one of the potentially harmful effects of chocolate. According to the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Chocolate lowers oesophageal sphincter pressure, which might make you more prone to heartburn. In fact, according to a National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases report, avoiding chocolate can help reduce gastroesophageal reflux symptoms.

Toxic Elements

Toxins that have not been declared may be present in chocolate. According to a March 2018 analysis in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, both processed chocolate and raw cocoa had dangerous amounts of cadmium and nickel. These heavy metals build up in your body and might cause long-term harm. Unfortunately, consuming chocolate may expose youngsters worldwide to dangerous levels of heavy metals.

Kidney Stones

Dark chocolate includes oxalates, a component present in many plants and animals that can raise the risk of kidney stones. If you have a history of kidney stones, you should limit your intake of dark chocolate.


I did this Assignment about the disadvantages of eating chocolate because I used to eat them, and I gained a bunch of weight. I tried to investigate more about the harmful effects of chocolate, and I found a lot of disadvantages that may affect the body. I Choose this topic to make people aware of the impact of eating more chocolate.

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